Cartica Management's CEO Says China Will Win a Trade War

Cartica Management's CEO Says China Will Win a Trade War

Bloomberg Television has finally released a new video! We're happy to share it today on Croblanc. It was released on June 1, 2018 and it has already made a lot of talk on social networks!

Most of our members follow our articles on Croblanc, so you are not very surprised that we talk to you today about the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television! The videos that are broadcasted there have been of great interest to the internet for quite some time now. We think you'll find this video interesting, so we decided to make this post today.

You're starting to get used to it, each time a new video is released on the Bloomberg Television Youtube channel, we try to offer it to you as soon as possible on our website. We invite you to discover without further delay the video Cartica Management's CEO Says China Will Win a Trade War by going on the player right here!

We could find in the next hours this content in the trend tool of Youtube because of the start that it makes! Since the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television posted it, many people are talking about it on the networks. Let's wait for a few hours before we know how successful this video is.

Do you have a problem with this video? Or did you see a small error in the content you just watched? When you want to send a little note to a content creator on the internet, most of the time you simply use his email address! You can get it by going to their Youtube page, "About" section. But be careful, not all of them read their mailbox, in that case use Twitter.

Normally, if you are still reading this article, it means that the video Cartica Management's CEO Says China Will Win a Trade War must have pleased you and that we did not make a mistake in encouraging you to watch it. We hope to see you soon on our site, in the meantime you can find other videos of Bloomberg Television by strolling on our site or even by going directly on the Youtube channel.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are coming to the end of this article Croblanc, we hope you have enjoyed reading it, at least as much as we have enjoyed writing it!

For your information, you can find below the description of the video Cartica Management's CEO Says China Will Win a Trade War published by the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television:

Theresa Barger, chief executive officer at Cartica Management, discusses the trade tensions between the U.S. and China and the potential for a trade war. She speaks on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia."